May 2024

Happy May! It seems like we got a small preview of the Summer weather to come with warm temperatures and no rain. Although the recent showers and colder nights has made it feel like Spring is hanging on for a bit longer!

Give beekeeping a try!

We’re collaborating this year with Coyote Farm on a beekeeping event! On Sunday June 9 join us for inspecting a hive, chatting about the different jobs and roles bees take throughout their life, looking for new eggs from the Queen, and sampling some fresh honey! We will also chat about things you can do to help all of our essential pollinators. If you have ever wanted to try beekeeping and see the inside of a hive, this would be a great event for you. Tickets and event details are on the Coyote Farm Event page and be sure to check out some of their other upcoming events as well!

What the bees are up to

The vine maples are in full bloom now, while the Big Leaf maples are wrapping up for the year. Native blackberries are coming online, and the more prolific (invasive) Himalayan blackberries will soon become the main staple for the bees. Until then, we are nursing a few of our new and weaker hives with sugar water, and keeping our fingers crossed for a great honey crop this year!


What the beekeepers are up to

In addition to getting the hives settled in for the honey season, we’re starting to prep the ground for more sweet potatoes, as well as some popcorn and grinding corn. These are crops that you typically find in warmer climates. Our PNW Summers actually match those growing conditions fairly well, although our overall Summer season is just a bit shorter. We grow varieties that mature quicker, start some seeds indoors, and use row cover to squeeze out a few extra degrees of heat in May, and give the crops as much of a head start as we can.


And we’re still growing and harvesting weekly batches of microgreens. We deliver to Bay Hay and Feed on Fridays. The microgreens allow us to grow something fresh and green all year, and they pair well with Summer foods like tacos, salads, grilled fish, and pizza. Next time you are snacking on some crackers and hummus, toss some microgreens in the mix!

Thanks for all your support and we hope you are having a great year so far!